Helpful for communicating while walking around, portable and operable without a vehicle or base station
you can expect a range up to 1-2 miles. adding a telescoping antenna can be helpful and increase the range These are useful for instant communications between crews working in the same general area such as event production, taxis, security and more. Having a handheld CB for emergencies is not a bad idea when going hiking in nature.
Battery time Entirely dependent on your transmitting time, you should expect to get roughly 10-20 hours standby time, and up to 5 hours talk time off of 9AA batteries. We suggest shopping for NIMH rechargeable batteries.
Quality of life features such as being able to receive NOAA weather channels, large easy to see illuminated displays, dual watch - which allows you to monitor multiple channels at the same time, and channel scan features are what will differentiate the higher end handheld cb radios for sale at Walcott from more standard units
Handheld cb radios with mic has two factors:
CB Radios are all limited to transmission at 4 Watts, That’s the standard for most CB and what you will find in the handheld category. The difference between different models and brands comes in reliability, Battery capacity, antenna type, external antenna capabilities and various other features such as weather updates, 9/19 buttons, backlighting, dual watch and channel scan. Different models have different button overlay, so you might find some easier to operate than others.
Some handheld CB Radios can also be mounted in a vehicle and connected to a larger external antenna. This allows greater range and usage while driving. These handhelds usually come with a BNC connector for your vehicle’s antenna
All handheld radios are mainly operated with batteries, usually “AA” Some models, usually those with external antenna connectors also have a DC in connection that can be charged through your vehicle you have a few options, depending on your electric knowledge and willingness to try, we’ll go from the simplest to the more advanced solutions -
Power your radio through the Cigarette outlet with a cheap adapter that connects to any 3-pin standard CB radio power cable. If you CB radio doesn’t have a 3-pin power cord, consider getting an adapter that supports bare wire connections or move on to the next solution.
The Fusebox of a vehicle is basically a power outlet hub. See if you can wire it to the fusebox. If you don’t have space in your fusebox for it. You can get a fuse tapper, which essentially is an electric outlet splitter, only for your vehicle. Disconnect one of your components, connect your fuse tapper, reconnect whatever you just disconnected and add the CB radio power connector to the newly added slot.
Wire your CB Radio directly to your vehicle’s battery. The hot wire should be connected to the battery’s hot terminal, The ground wire should go to either the battery’s ground terminal for best results, or to any metallic component, usually the chassis, which is properly grounded Powering your CB Radio through the battery’s hot and ground terminals provides the best results in terms of reception and interference.
Short for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration broadcasts nation-wide through many local stations. These broadcasts include Current weather and forecasts, hazard, alerts and general information 24/7.
Allowing you to connect your CB Radio to external speakers. It can be used for your high-volume loving self, or to be used as communication with the drivers in your surroundings. Either way, it’s loud.
Controls the sensitivity of the receiver, useful for filtering out weaker signals creating noise. Making stronger signals clearer
eliminates static noises you hear between actual broadcasts. It’s like a rug you can sweep all that noise under.
ANL stands for Automatic Noise Limiter, it blocks unwanted noise from interfering signals or any other source that is not a proper CB transmitter, further improving the audio quality of incoming transmissions
fast access to the popular 9 and 19 channels. 9 is the emergency channel, while 19 is the trucker channel. It’s also worth noting that in some areas 19 is for truckers on north- and southbound routes while 17 is for those on east- and westbound routes.
You can control everything just fine, but wouldn't it also be great if you could see all those knobs and controls at night? Well that's a feature, a pretty comfortable one at that.
Listen to two different channels at the same time, so you don’t miss any important information
The 40 channel handheld CB scans and finds all cannels without the need for manual configuration
Model: President RANDY II FM
Model: Package Bundle GEORGE-RANDY
Model: President JERRY FCC
Model: President ACMR401
Model: Midland 75822
Model: Refurbished R-75822
Model: President ACMR407
Model: President ACUS007
Model: President ACMR402
Model: President ACMR416
Model: President ACUS403
Model: Uniden PRO538HHFM
Model: Uniden PRO501HH
Model: Walcott Radio NIMHPACK9
Model: Walcott Radio NIMHPACK8
Model: Walcott Radio 402610
Model: Walcott Radio KR1BNC
Model: Cobra HATA
Model: Cobra PMRSM
Model: Cobra HH50WXST
Model: Cobra HHRT50