The NEW Washington from President Electronics is the most powerful and feature rich radio they've ever released. Whether you're chatting on AM, making contacts on side band or calling in to repeaters on FM the Washington is equipped to cover your needs.
The Washington boast 80 watts PEP (AM/USB/LSB) / 50 watts (FM) which is about as much power as you can use in a vehicle without needing a battery power source.
My son purchased this radio from Walcott as a gift for me. He also purchased the Peak Performance upgrade. I am pretty pleased with it, overall. Excellent reports while operating it from my house with the A99. Lots of DX contacts with no strain. Put it in my Jeep last night. Antenna is a 102" whip. Immediately began working other stations all over the continent. One issue: The noise level is pretty high. I've turned down the RF gain from 10 to 9. Now the noise level is at 3 S. Acceptable, but I'm a little bummed.
Cody E.
2 months ago
Radio works great on 10M AM
Got this radio a few weeks ago from here had the fans added and i got the free mic promo on air reports say i am clear on the transmit side is it loud on modulation no it is not but it is clear yes i would rather have a clear and clean transmit than loud and over modulated and honestly i think i am going to order another one to replace my old galaxy 94hp as it does not have a fm band
Bill D.
6 months ago
This is what I been waiting for.
The President Washington radio will not disappoint you at all.It's everything I expected and then some more. Great features, powerful and well thought out.
I am going to have to retire my president ronald after using this one what a different. And my uniden bearcat 998 will be retired.
The only thing to keep in mind is it a larger radio.Then say the smaller one (the Ronald).So make sure you have room for it. Definitely worth buying.
Rick R.
Verified Buyer
8 months ago
Nice upgrade
Liking this radio. Nice upgrade from my lincoln 2 +. Lot ezr to operate the menu. More power, more options. Just ordered the fan kit, witch the thermostat is a grate addition to the radio as well.
Zach O.
Verified Buyer
8 months ago
This is a really cool rig! Lots of bang for the buck!
I just hooked this up in my vehicle last night, and if I could hear them, they could hear me loud and clear even on the stock hand microphone! The manual is very easy to use and the functions are great. This one makes my Lincoln II+ seem boring in comparison. Lots of hidden functions in the menu, and with built in DCS/DCSS along with some other functions in it lready gives it even more capability. This is like a more expensive 10/11M rig, but with less cost. 5/5* to President electronics! Happy DXing!